Get Upfront Pricing For Your Jaltest Diagnostic Package

Wholefleet is one of North America’s top rated Jaltest distributors. With a team that has been in the industry, worked with the different brands, and is willing to actually jump on the phone with you when you need help.

Completely Custom Quote

Enter in your specific needs and in under 30 seconds get a customized pricing outline for your specs:

Baseline US Pricing Guide

In a bit of a rush? No worries, grab this quick baseline pricing guide and we can worry about the customizations down the line!

Why You Should Pick Jaltest Over JPro & Texa

Saving over $150k/Year Switching From JPro to Jaltest

Better Connection Speed, Brand Coverage, and Customer Support

Check out a few members of the growing WholeFleet community!

Get The Full Wholefleet Experience

Contact us today for a personalized quote based on your needs in CAD or USD with flexible payment options!

Whether you are looking for a full Jaltest diagnostic package for your fleet or need a single piece of hardware, Wholefleet has you covered. Check out our homepage or contact us to get the full experience.